Young Reporter Lisbon in October – The Ideal City Break

Struggling for options to take a break in mid-October? Look no further than Lisbon, Portugal. While the crowds all rush to places like Rome, Paris or Barcelona, the more discerning traveller seeking a more relaxing but equally cultured and historical city in the Mediterranean heads to Lisbon. Situated to the east of Spain, while technically its coastline is not on the Mediterranean it is included in the list of such countries. With its warm autumns and unique cuisine, the city traveller will enjoy good food, warm weather and many historical sites of Lisbon largely unaffected by the World Wars.

Young Reporter Lisbon in October – The Ideal City Break
Struggling for options to take a break in mid-October? Look no further than Lisbon, Portugal. While the crowds all rush to places like Rome, Paris or Barcelona, the more discerning traveller seeking a more relaxing but equally cultured and historical city in the Mediterranean heads to Lisbon. Situated to the east of Spain, while technically its coastline is not on the Mediterranean it is included in the list of such countries. With its warm autumns and unique cuisine, the city traveller will enjoy good food, warm weather and many historical sites of Lisbon largely unaffected by the World Wars.