Oneohtrix Point Never - Again (Album Review) [Joseph Oxborrow, KGS]

Even when away from the frontlines of modern experimental music, producing for pop megastar The Weeknd, Brooklyn-based Daniel Lopatin never rests. Again, however, is his first regular studio album since the conceptual, psychedelic pop excursions of 2020’s Magic Oneohtrix Point Never – and a very different beast.

Oneohtrix Point Never - Again (Album Review) [Joseph Oxborrow, KGS]
Even when away from the frontlines of modern experimental music, producing for pop megastar The Weeknd, Brooklyn-based Daniel Lopatin never rests. Again, however, is his first regular studio album since the conceptual, psychedelic pop excursions of 2020’s Magic Oneohtrix Point Never – and a very different beast.