Young Reporter My Gratin IGCSE experience- Akshay Phian Hampton School

At the September of 2022 I began the gratin IGCSE course, initially coming from the now abolished common entrance Latin examinations, I was told that I would walk through the course with minimal effort. That was very wrong. With both Latin and ancient Greek examinations having 3 papers for each exam ‘language, prose literature and verse literature’, I was greeted with a new style of exam I had never come across before, Latin literature. Here the candidate would be required to learn ‘off by heart’ large sections of either 2 or three set texts. The size of the sections that would be required to be learnt can vary, but a single section of a set text can peak at over 500 lines of Latin translation, the much of the Latin text would have to be memorised too as a myriad of style and content points that can be found in each line; style points are the Latin equivalent of literary techniques whereas content points are evaluations of the language and message of a certain phrase or word which could possess greater meaning within the story, are required to be learned for the answering of 4,8 and 10 marker questions.

Young Reporter My Gratin IGCSE experience- Akshay Phian Hampton School
At the September of 2022 I began the gratin IGCSE course, initially coming from the now abolished common entrance Latin examinations, I was told that I would walk through the course with minimal effort. That was very wrong. With both Latin and ancient Greek examinations having 3 papers for each exam ‘language, prose literature and verse literature’, I was greeted with a new style of exam I had never come across before, Latin literature. Here the candidate would be required to learn ‘off by heart’ large sections of either 2 or three set texts. The size of the sections that would be required to be learnt can vary, but a single section of a set text can peak at over 500 lines of Latin translation, the much of the Latin text would have to be memorised too as a myriad of style and content points that can be found in each line; style points are the Latin equivalent of literary techniques whereas content points are evaluations of the language and message of a certain phrase or word which could possess greater meaning within the story, are required to be learned for the answering of 4,8 and 10 marker questions.