Young reporter: Officials gone rogue - Alannah Shortt St John's

Elmbridge borough is an area of 96.3 km2 with around 136,626 inhabitants (2018). The Elmbridge borough council has 48 members who look after 11 districts; however, some residents are complaining as they believe that the council has been employing ‘devious tactics to push new planning ideas for denser housing along with an increased number of flats’, in an attempt to meet government housing targets. Local witnesses claim that the increased population is causing the Esher high-street traffic to slow to a ‘standstill’. Residents believe that the road simply cannot accommodate any more cars. Some residential roads have even been damaged by the increased number of heavy vehicles travelling along them, with many residents frequently complaining that there are ‘potholes everywhere.’

Young reporter:  Officials gone rogue  - Alannah Shortt St John's
Elmbridge borough is an area of 96.3 km2 with around 136,626 inhabitants (2018). The Elmbridge borough council has 48 members who look after 11 districts; however, some residents are complaining as they believe that the council has been employing ‘devious tactics to push new planning ideas for denser housing along with an increased number of flats’, in an attempt to meet government housing targets. Local witnesses claim that the increased population is causing the Esher high-street traffic to slow to a ‘standstill’. Residents believe that the road simply cannot accommodate any more cars. Some residential roads have even been damaged by the increased number of heavy vehicles travelling along them, with many residents frequently complaining that there are ‘potholes everywhere.’