Made in Wimbledon, a Blend of the Community’s Finest - Kashaf Zahid, Gumley House Convent School FCJ

The town of tennis and tournaments. This is what Wimbledon is best known for; the spirit of summery competition. What about the people,  the residents of the Southwestern suburb? The hundreds of acres of houses and greenery behold a certain, almost magical, feeling of belonging and friendliness. Showcased by the Wimble Winter Ball was this exact sense of community, rather a harmonious mixture of the loyalty and gratitude shown to one another in the heart of this warming region.

Made in Wimbledon, a Blend of the Community’s Finest - Kashaf Zahid, Gumley House Convent School FCJ
The town of tennis and tournaments. This is what Wimbledon is best known for; the spirit of summery competition. What about the people,  the residents of the Southwestern suburb? The hundreds of acres of houses and greenery behold a certain, almost magical, feeling of belonging and friendliness. Showcased by the Wimble Winter Ball was this exact sense of community, rather a harmonious mixture of the loyalty and gratitude shown to one another in the heart of this warming region.