The Pleasure Of A Walk In Mumbles

During a week in a particularly hot August, I left the suffocating humid streets of London to go to the seaside town of Mumbles, located  on the Gower Peninsula on the outskirts of Swansea. During my time there I was frequently shocked by the views of the waters of Swansea bay punctuated by jagged cliff faces and the underlying knowledge of the danger of the riptides.

The Pleasure Of A Walk In Mumbles
During a week in a particularly hot August, I left the suffocating humid streets of London to go to the seaside town of Mumbles, located  on the Gower Peninsula on the outskirts of Swansea. During my time there I was frequently shocked by the views of the waters of Swansea bay punctuated by jagged cliff faces and the underlying knowledge of the danger of the riptides.